6 nætter fra Durban med MSC Musica

Cruise ID 2141596

Sejlplan Durban, Sydafrika / Pomene, Mozambique / Portoguese Island, Mozambique / Portoguese Island, Mozambique / Durban, Sydafrika

MSC Musica

Krydstogt information

6 nætter   MSC Musica  




Durban, Sydafrika

Durban er Sydafrikas tredjestørste by, og er landets travleste havneby. Byens mange strande og varme klima gør den til et eftertragtet turistmål. I byen kan man blandt andet se et af verdens største akvarier, Umgeniflodens fuglepark og “The Golden Mile”, en lang strand med gyldent sand og en tilhørende strandpromenade.

Til havs
Pomene, Mozambique

Smiling and hospitable people, magical beaches, colonial cities and hut villages, baobab and mangrove forests, unspoiled islands and some of the most stunning beaches on the African continent. Your MSC South Africa cruise welcomes you to Mozambique, a natural portent just waiting to be discovered. Between the capital Maputo, in the South, and Pemba, in the North of the State, there are 2000 kilometres of coastline, characterised by stretches of white sand that blend into the horizon, blue lagoons and unexplored coral reefs. During your holiday with MSC Cruises you can disembark in Pomene Bay, one of the most picturesque sites in Mozambique. The lagoon that protects this extraordinary bay, set between the blue Indian Ocean and the waters where the mangroves grow – these extraordinary plants appear to float on the surface of the water, like a forest in a fairy tale – is part of the Pomene Nature Reserve, a protected marine area that has managed to preserve its authentic and wild beauty thanks to its remote location. A MSC Cruises excursion to this sun-kissed place offers you the opportunity to relax with long walks or horseback riding on the beach, to explore the surrounding nature with the help of a guide, immersing yourself in lush leafy vegetation, with an abundance of different species, or watch the sunset while lying on the fine sand of Pomene Bay. Your MSC cruise ship will take you to an African paradise that is also famous for diving and snorkelling, perfect for lovers of the underwater world. Mozambique is a land full of natural beauty spots that never cease to surprise and amaze.

Portoguese Island, Mozambique

Set between the African coast and the Indian Ocean, Portuguese Island is a small, uninhabited island: one of the enchanting destinations of an MSC cruise to Southern Africa. It is located at the external limit of Maputo Bay, host to the capital of Mozambique, under the cover of Inhaca Island, the chosen location for some of the most luxurious resorts of the entire continent. During your holiday, take some time between dips in the warm, crystalline ocean waters to stroll around this island. It is six kilometres long, about an hour walk on sand that caresses the soles of your feet (during the central hours of the day, it is best to wear open sandals because the sand becomes very hot), with only the blue of the water and the green of the low vegetation for company. The mild effort involved will be repaid in kiosks serving refreshing beverages and local food. If you like rum, try the Tipo Tinto, which is distilled from local sugar cane. There is also no lack of beach activities: in addition to all the services available for those who just want to lay in the sun undisturbed, such as beach umbrellas, deckchairs and sunbeds, there is equipment for playing beach volleyball and beach tennis. However, a piece of advice for all: don’t stop as soon as you get off the tender t that brings you to the island, look for a more secluded bay; they are just a short, pleasant stroll away. For those who wish it, it is also possible to circumnavigate the island and admire the coast and the bay of Maputo in a traditional dhow: boats with a triangular sail of Middle-Eastern origins that have sailed the waters of the Indian Ocean for centuries. From Portuguese Island, it is possible to reach the nearby main island of Inhaca, where, in addition to fantastic beaches,there are restaurants, bars, a market and even a Marine Museum and old lighthouse.

Portoguese Island, Mozambique

Set between the African coast and the Indian Ocean, Portuguese Island is a small, uninhabited island: one of the enchanting destinations of an MSC cruise to Southern Africa. It is located at the external limit of Maputo Bay, host to the capital of Mozambique, under the cover of Inhaca Island, the chosen location for some of the most luxurious resorts of the entire continent. During your holiday, take some time between dips in the warm, crystalline ocean waters to stroll around this island. It is six kilometres long, about an hour walk on sand that caresses the soles of your feet (during the central hours of the day, it is best to wear open sandals because the sand becomes very hot), with only the blue of the water and the green of the low vegetation for company. The mild effort involved will be repaid in kiosks serving refreshing beverages and local food. If you like rum, try the Tipo Tinto, which is distilled from local sugar cane. There is also no lack of beach activities: in addition to all the services available for those who just want to lay in the sun undisturbed, such as beach umbrellas, deckchairs and sunbeds, there is equipment for playing beach volleyball and beach tennis. However, a piece of advice for all: don’t stop as soon as you get off the tender t that brings you to the island, look for a more secluded bay; they are just a short, pleasant stroll away. For those who wish it, it is also possible to circumnavigate the island and admire the coast and the bay of Maputo in a traditional dhow: boats with a triangular sail of Middle-Eastern origins that have sailed the waters of the Indian Ocean for centuries. From Portuguese Island, it is possible to reach the nearby main island of Inhaca, where, in addition to fantastic beaches,there are restaurants, bars, a market and even a Marine Museum and old lighthouse.

Til havs
Durban, Sydafrika

Durban er Sydafrikas tredjestørste by, og er landets travleste havneby. Byens mange strande og varme klima gør den til et eftertragtet turistmål. I byen kan man blandt andet se et af verdens største akvarier, Umgeniflodens fuglepark og “The Golden Mile”, en lang strand med gyldent sand og en tilhørende strandpromenade.

Træd ombord på MSC Musica, et mesterværk fra MSC Cruises, der blev søsat i sommeren 2006. Dette smukke skib er et symbol på italiensk elegance og innovation til søs og har indtaget rejsende med sin charme og moderne luksus. Med mange års erfaring på verdenshavene fortsætter MSC Musica med at levere uforglemmelige krydstogtoplevelser.

Størrelse og Kapacitet:
MSC Musica er et betagende skib, der har plads til at byde rejsende velkommen med stil og komfort. Dens betagende bruttotonnage og kapacitet til at rumme flere tusinde passagerer er kombineret med et dedikeret besætningshold, der sikrer, at hver gæst har alt, hvad de behøver for at udforske verdens mest spændende destinationer.

Faciliteter og Aktiviteter:
Ombord på MSC Musica finder du et væld af faciliteter og aktiviteter, der appellerer til rejsende i alle aldre og med forskellige interesser. Uanset om du ønsker at slappe af ved poolen, deltage i spændende udflugter eller deltage i workshops og arrangementer, vil der altid være noget at lave. Fra luksuriøse spaer og moderne fitnesscentre til butikker og hyggelige biblioteker er MSC Musica fyldt med muligheder for at skabe uforglemmelige øjeblikke.

Krydstoget ombord på MSC Musica byder også på en kulinarisk rejse i særklasse. Fra autentisk italiensk mad til internationale delikatesser serveret med udsigt over det endeløse hav – skibets restauranter tilfredsstiller selv de mest krævende smagsløg. Forbered dig på en gastronomisk oplevelse, der vil forblive i din erindring.

Kahytter og Indkvartering:
MSC Musica tilbyder en bred vifte af kahytter og suiter, hver en oase af komfort og stil. Uanset om du vælger en indvendig kahyt eller en overdådig suite, vil du blive forkælet med moderne faciliteter og betagende udsigt over havet.

Underholdning og Shows:
Aftener ombord på MSC Musica er fyldt med spændende underholdning og shows. Teatrene præsenterer imponerende optrædener, koncerter og farverige danseforestillinger. Kasinoer og natklubber tilbyder også en smagsprøve på nattelivet på havet, så dine aftener er lige så mindeværdige som dine dage.

MSC Musica er mere end et krydstogtskib; det er en symfoni af italiensk elegance og moderne luksus. Med sin rige erfaring og moderne bekvemmeligheder er det det ideelle valg for dem, der ønsker at udforske verden med stil og komfort. Sæt sejl med MSC Musica og lad dig fortrylle af dets skønhed og løfte om uforglemmelige øjeblikke.

Fitness Center
Jogging Track
Tennis Court

A la carte restaurant
Sushi Bar
Wine bar

9-hole Mini Golf
Card Room
Golf Simulator

Beauty Salon
Steam Room

Children’s Play Area
Cigar Bar
Dance Floor

Art Gallery
Duty-free shop
Medical Centre
Photo Gallery
Security Safe
Shopping Gallery


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