24 nætter fra St. John’s med Seabourn Venture

Cruise ID 2044788

Sejlplan St. John's, New Foundland, Canada / San Juan, Puerto Rico / Great Harbour, Jost Van Dyke, De Britiske Jomfruøer / Basseterre, St. Kitts & Nevis / Fort-de-france, Martinique / Bridgetown, Barbados / Charlottvile, Tobago / Georgetown, Guyana / Paramaribo, Suriname / Devils Island, French Guiana / Macapa, Brasilien / Crossing the Equator / Guajara, Brasilien / Santarem, Brasilien / Curariaca, Brazil / Itamaraca, Brazil / Parintins, Brasilien / Ressaca, Brazil / Canacari, Brazil / Amazon River Cruising / Manaus, Brasilien

Seabourn Venture

Krydstogt information

24 nætter   Seabourn Venture  




St. John's, New Foundland, Canada

St. John´s har en lang og blomstrende historie inden for fiskeri . De omkringliggende områder er vældig smukke, og byen har nogle dejlige parker, charmerende gader og nogle historiske højdepunkter.

Til havs
Til havs
Til havs
Til havs
Til havs
San Juan, Puerto Rico

San Juan er Puerto Ricos hovedstad og er en usædvanlig kulørt by, som bærer tydeligt præg af den spanske kolonitid. Den gamle bydel er kendt for sine pastelfarvede huse og smalle brostensgader og er på UNESCOs verdensarvliste. Øen er som skabt til surfing, vandreture i regnskoven, snorkling blandt koralrev og svømmeture i de klare laguner. Forkæl dine smagsløg med krydret caribisk mad i San Juan eller i en af de hyggelige mindre byer. Gå heller ikke glip af et af de fyrige flamingoshows, som byen kan byde på.

Great Harbour, Jost Van Dyke, De Britiske Jomfruøer

There are approximately 40 British Virgin Islands (the exact number varies from authority to authority), many of which are uninhabited. Some have only a handful of residents. Jost Van Dyke has a small population of its own families: the Turners, Grants, Ringes and Callwoods to name the majority. The desire to continue in the old ways is strong here, and “Jost” looks much as it must have looked 100 or 200 years ago. This archipelago is pristine and traffic light free. Weather permitting, your captain will anchor in this idyllic location and deploy the Marina for a day of play in the sea and sun.

Basseterre, St. Kitts & Nevis

Basseterre ligger på sydkysten af øen St. Kitts. På havnefronten finder man den hvælvede bygning fra kolonial tiden da høsten af sukkerrør havde meget stor betydning. Man kan stadig se spor fra den franske kolonitid, men det er den britiske fortid der er mest synlig.

Fort-de-france, Martinique

Fort-de-France, Martinique’s capital, with its narrow streets and iron grill-worked balconies, brings to mind New Orleans or Nice. This distinctly French island is a full-fledged department of France, with members in parliament and the senate. Naturally, everyone speaks French, as well as a rapid-fire Creole. The island features a varied landscape, from quiet beaches to lush rain forest to imposing Mont Pelee. Not surprisingly, the shopping in Fort-de-France has a decidedly Gallic flair. Bienvenue to this bit of France in the Caribbean.

Bridgetown, Barbados

Bridgetown, Barbados

Bridgetown er en gammel engelsk koloniby, hvilket stadig ses på arkitekturen og i form af Trafalger Square med Lord Nelson statuen. Hvis du gerne vil have et indblik i Barbados historie, kan du besøge Barbados Museum.Den fascinerende Bridgetown Synagogue er en af de ældste på den vestlige halvkugle. Den står opført, hvor der tidligere lå en endnu ældre synagoge, der var rejst af brasilianske jøder.Efter lidt sightseeing, kan du besøge stranden i Bridgetown. Vestkysten på Barbados er berømt for nogen af verdens bedste sandstrande.

Charlottvile, Tobago

Trinidad’s “little sister” Tobago welcomes you with a lovely fishing village set on a curve of beach on Man-o-war Bay. The town was founded in 1633, to serve the area’s slavery-enabled sugar production. Today fishing is the main business. Even by Caribbean standards, it is a sleepy place, where most visitors arrive to bask in the laid-back atmosphere, and swim, snorkel or dive in the surrounding waters. Nearby Pirate’s Bay is considered one of the Caribbean’s prettiest beaches, accessible by a long-sloping stairway or by boat. Speyside down the coast give access to the bird sanctuary of Little Tobago island just offshore. With luck, you may be treated to a musical performance by the local Tamboo band, who make music by banging lengths of bamboo on the ground, a relic of the slavery era. Otherwise, join the locals for “liming” (chatting) and enjoying fresh seafood, and stuffed rotis including the “Buss Up Shut” so named because the torn roti resembles a “busted up shirt.”

Til havs
Georgetown, Guyana
Paramaribo, Suriname
Devils Island, French Guiana

Before they were a notorious penal colony, the Iles de Salut (Islands of Salvation) provided French colonists with a welcome escape from the fever-ridden jungles of the Guiana mainland. Lying ten miles off the coastline, and swept by treacherous ocean currents, the trio of small islands provided a perfect isolated location for incarcerating criminals without danger or expense, since the shark-infested sea and the trackless jungles ashore precluded any possibility of escape. All three islands, popularly known as Devil’s Island, were used as a prison from 1852 to 1953. Your day is free to explore the prison ruins or search for signs of the surprisingly abundant wildlife.

Til havs
Macapa, Brasilien

Navnet Macapa er udledt af Tupi-ordet Macapaba: et sted med mange bacaba’er. En bacaba er frugten fra det lokale palmetræ. I denne by er portugisisk det sprog, man snakker. Macapa er stedet, hvor mange trækfugle slår sig ned og blander sig med det ellers spændende dyreliv, som består af flamingoer, tukaner, ibiser, hav- og flodskildpadder, kæmpe alligatorer, søkøer, myreslugere, bæltedyr osv.

Crossing the Equator

If you are a “pollywog,” who has never crossed the line at sea, you will be expected to undergo a mock trial by King Neptune and his court for the entertainment of the “shellbacks” who have already done so. Mild but hilarious indignities will be conjured, and in the end a good time will be had by most, if not all.

Guajara, Brasilien

An optional opportunity to join the naturalists among your onboard Ventures by Seabourn expedition team on a zodiac adventure exploring the banks of the Guajara River — a tributary of the Amazon. At riverside buffalo farms, take advantage of the chance to interact with the ‘caboclos’ – the people who have adapted to living and working in close association with the river, and to learn about their lifestyle. As you pass through an area of gallery forest, keep an eye out for some of the many colorful tropical bird species that inhabit the region, as well as reptiles and mammals that may be glimpsed either in the trees or on the banks. The elusive pink river dolphins called ‘botos’ frequent this area as well. Caboclo legend maintains that the dolphins possess the capability to transform themselves into handsome young men at night, and seduce unwary maidens living in the riverside communities.

Santarem, Brasilien

Santarém blev grundlagt i 1661 og ligger dér, hvor Tapajós støder til Amazonfloden. På grund af Tapajós krystalklare vand har byen mere end 100 km naturlige sandstrande, som af nogle bliver kaldt Brasiliens smukkeste ferskvandsstrande. Byen har mange gamle bygninger og kulturelle steder, blandt andet kirker, pladser og ruiner.

Curariaca, Brazil
Itamaraca, Brazil
Parintins, Brasilien

I Parintins får du en varm velkomst, når Bumba-dansere modtager dig direkte fra skibet. Man når knapt ned fra skibet, før de første souvenirshops møder dig. Der er også gode shoppingmuligheden længere inde i byen. Parintins er stedet, hvor landets vigtigste og mest spetakulære festival finder sted: Boi Bomba. Der går mange historier om festivalens oprindelse. En af dem handler om, at man fejrer triumfen for de indfødte og de fattige caboclo’er over en tyrannisk godsejer. Nyd de farverige kostumer og kæmpe fjerdragter, når Boi Bumba-danserne springer ned gennem gaden.

Ressaca, Brazil
Canacari, Brazil
Amazon River Cruising
Manaus, Brasilien

Manaus er hovedstaden i den brasilianske stat Amazonas. Det er en moderne by, der ligger midt i regnskoven i Amazonas. Tag en oplevelsestur til junglen, hvor du kan blive guidet rundt. Hold udkig efter aber, dovendyr, røde papegøjer og tukaner med store, orange næb i trækronerne. Byens mest berømte bygning er operahuset fra 1896 i den flotteste renæssancesitl. Sæt tænderne i lokale retter som tacacá suppe eller sukkerrørsjuice. Stedet er i øvrigt også kendt for de mange eksotiske frugter.


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