21 nætter fra Monte Carlo med Seabourn Sojourn

Cruise ID 2010308

Sejlplan Monte Carlo, Frankrig / Portofino, Italien / Portoferraio, Italy / Scenic cruising the Calanques / St Tropez, France / La Ciotat / Mahon, Spain / Barcelona, Spanien / Malaga, Spanien / Tangier, Morocco / Casablanca, Marokko / Casablanca, Marokko / Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spanien / San Sebastián, La Gomera, Spanien / Santa Cruz de la Palma, Kanarieøerne, Spanien / Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain / Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain / Funchal, Madeira, Portugal / Lissabon, Portugal

Seabourn Sojourn

Krydstogt information

21 nætter   Seabourn Sojourn  




Monte Carlo, Frankrig

Monte Carlo, Frankrig

Monte Carlo ligger i Monaco ved den franske Riviera. På den franske kyst er det forbudt at bygge højhuse, men der er højhuse i overflod i Monaco, hvor det ikke er muligt at bygge på andre måder end i højden. Monte Carlo byder dig på mange overraskelser og er et høj kulturelt sted med mange museer.

Portofino, Italien

Portofino er et lille italiensk fiskeri- og turistområde på den italienske riviera. Byen, der omslutter sin lille havn, betragtes som en af de smukkeste Middelhavshavne. I det sene 1800-tal begyndte først britiske og derefter nordeuropæiske aristokratiske turister at besøge Portofino. Omkring 1950 havde turismen erstattet fiskeri som byens hovedindtægtskilde, og stranden var kantet af restauranter og caféer.

Portoferraio, Italy

Despite its small size, the island of Elba has been known since the beginning of recorded history. Called Ilva by the Ligurians and Aethalia by the Greeks, Elba passed to the Etruscans and later the Romans. It was ruled by Pisa in the Middle Ages, was a haven for Barbary pirates in the 16th century and then privately owned by the powerful Medici family. The island’s most famous resident was Napoleon Bonaparte, whose first exile from France and short reign over Elba lasted from May 1814 to February 1815. During that time, Napoleon was able to improve the island by altering street plans, building new roads, modernizing agriculture and developing the iron mines.Iron ore is still mined above the Rio Marina and then shipped from Portoferraio (Port of Iron). With a population of just over 11,000, the town is the largest of the eight on the island and is considered its capital. Geologists and gem stone collectors find Elba a treasure trove with over 150 minerals and semiprecious stones found here due to the seismic turmoil that created the island. The rich soil also produces an astonishing range of foliage and flowers aided by sun that shines almost every day of the year. Despite summer tourism, the island is largely agricultural and the ambience is quiet and relaxed, allowing the visitor to enjoy Elba’s natural charm, peaceful abundance and timeless beauty.

Scenic cruising the Calanques
St Tropez, France

On the southern shore of one of the most beautiful bays of the Riviera, the little port of St. Tropez has become one of the best known resorts in Europe, a crossroads where journalists, photographers, writers, artists and celebrities meet. Guy de Maupassant discovered the town, but it was the painters who made it more widely known – Signac, Matisse, Bonnard, Marquet, Camoin – who all stayed for varying amounts of time. The harbor teems with life. Fishing boats, excursion craft and hundreds of yachts share the harbor. On the waterfront are old pink and yellow houses, which have been converted into cafes, cabarets and restaurants, luxury boutiques, galleries and antique shops. A picturesque and cosmopolitan crowd strolls the streets in season.

La Ciotat
Mahon, Spain

Mahon is the capital of Menorca, second largest of the Balearic Islands. It stands out from the others because of the abundance of prehistoric structures, and because its culture was influenced by British occupation in the 18th century. The people who built the prehistoric constructions are believed to have been responsible for similar works in Sardinia, and for Stonehenge in England. Believed to have been founded by the Carthaginian General Mago, Mahon was held by the Moors from the 8th to the 13th century and in turn occupied by the English, the French and the Spanish. Mahon was finally ceded to Spain by the Treaty of Amiens in 1802.

Barcelona, Spanien

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is said to have been founded by the Phoenicians, and was once the rival of the powerful states of Venice and Genoa for control of the Mediterranean trade. Today, it is Spain’s second largest city and has long rivaled, even surpassed Madrid in industry and commerce. The medieval atmosphere of the Gothic Quarter and the elegant boulevards combine to make the city one of Europe’s most beautiful. Barcelona’s active cultural life and heritage brought forth such greats as the architect Antonio Gaudi, the painter Joan Miro, and Pablo Picasso, who spent his formative years here. Other famous native Catalan artists include cellist Pau Casals, surrealist Salvador Dali, and opera singers Montserrat Caballe and Josep Carreras. Barcelona accomplished a long-cherished goal with the opportunity to host the Olympics in 1992. This big event prompted a massive building program and created a focal point of the world’s attention.

Til havs
Malaga, Spanien

Often little more than a gateway to the Costa del Sol for sun-seeking vacationers, Malaga is a most interesting city in its own right. First settled by the Phoenicians, Malaga was held by virtually every ruling power in the Mediterranean at one time or another. Two Moorish fortresses, the 11th-century Alcazaba and the 14th-century Castillo de Gibralfaro still stand sentry above the harbor. Malaga was the birthplace of Pablo Picasso as well as the Malaguena style of flamenco. During your time here, you may wish to sample some of the sweet Malaga wine and excellent tapas for which the city is noted.

Tangier, Morocco

Situated just across the narrow Strait of Gibraltar from Europe, Tangier has long comprised a hybrid culture that is nearly as European as it is African. Standing atop Cap Spartel, one can gaze down on the place where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean. The “Hollywood” district where the foreign embassies have traditionally been located reflects the European influence. But ascending the hill above the waterfront, one enters the narrow, winding alleys of the Kasbah, the city’s oldest, most Moroccan section. Down the coast, nearby Tetouan retains a nearly untouched walled medina, with sections originally occupied by Andalusian, Berber and Jewish populations. It is small enough that visitors can explore it without risking becoming lost, making it a perfect choice as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Casablanca, Marokko

Casablanca er ikke kun navnet på en berømt film, men også Marokkos største havneby. Byen byder på storslået arkitektur, lange kyststrækninger og store parker. Få et glimt af det gamle Casablanca, når du går gennem stræderne i Old Medina. Køb ind på det travle marked, hvor du kan se boder fulde af grøntsager, lædervarer, traditionelt kunsthåndværk, silke og krydderier.Gå ikke glip af Grand Mosque Hassan II, der er en af verdens største moskéer. Tag med på en rundvisning i det 9 hektar store kompleks, hvor du kan se den enorme bedehal, springvand og detaljeret arkitektur. Ved siden af moskéen ligger The Corniche, der er en lang strækning med dejlige strande.Et af de flotteste steder i Casablanca er Parc de la Ligue Arabe, et stort åbent område med friserede græsplæner og boulevarder med palmer. 

Casablanca, Marokko

Casablanca er ikke kun navnet på en berømt film, men også Marokkos største havneby. Byen byder på storslået arkitektur, lange kyststrækninger og store parker. Få et glimt af det gamle Casablanca, når du går gennem stræderne i Old Medina. Køb ind på det travle marked, hvor du kan se boder fulde af grøntsager, lædervarer, traditionelt kunsthåndværk, silke og krydderier.Gå ikke glip af Grand Mosque Hassan II, der er en af verdens største moskéer. Tag med på en rundvisning i det 9 hektar store kompleks, hvor du kan se den enorme bedehal, springvand og detaljeret arkitektur. Ved siden af moskéen ligger The Corniche, der er en lang strækning med dejlige strande.Et af de flotteste steder i Casablanca er Parc de la Ligue Arabe, et stort åbent område med friserede græsplæner og boulevarder med palmer. 

Til havs
Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spanien

Lanzarote is the northernmost of the Canary Islands, often known as “volcano island.” Its capital is Arrecife, a quiet town of about 30,000 inhabitants. Present day Lanzarote consists of two quite distinct massifs: Famara in the north, and Los Ajaches in the south, where centuries of erosion have sculpted abrupt cliffs and deep ravines, contrasting sharply with the smoothly rounded hills of the island’s central region.

San Sebastián, La Gomera, Spanien

Hovedstaden på La Gomera hedder San Sebastian og her finder man hyggelige restauranter og gode shoppingsmuligheder. La Gomera viser en ny og uberørt side af De Kanariske Øer. Her bliver du mødt af smukke byer på grønklædte bjerge. La Gomera har en vulkansk oprindelse, men til forskel fra sine naboer Tenerife og Gran Canaria, som har haft vulkanudbrud i nyere tid, har man på La Gomera ikke haft udbrud i over 2 millioner år.

Santa Cruz de la Palma, Kanarieøerne, Spanien

Lovely La Palma has earned itself two well-deserved nicknames: Isla Bonita (Pretty Island) and Isla Verde (Green Island). Although there are relatively few beaches La Palma has a number of other appealing attractions. The island’s capital city, Santa Cruz de la Palma, boasts a handsome 16th-century City Hall as well as a number of colonial-style homes. There is also an interesting maritime museum housed in a life-size replica of Christopher Columbus’ Santa Maria. Caldera de Taburiente, a massive volcanic crater, stands sentry in the middle of the island. The last of La Palma’s original inhabitants, the Guanche, held out in the crater until they were finally defeated by the Spaniards in 1492 – the area is now a National Park.

Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain

The old town is a treasury of 16th and 17th century buildings, and not just churches. Do go inside the fortified-looking Iglesia del Salvador, however, to see its ornate, Islamic-style Mudejar ceiling, one of the best in the islands. A short way outside town is the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Snows, one of the most important sites on the island. The waterfront is a good place to find ancient houses with elaborate iron balconies, many now converted to restaurants and shops. Many visitors tour the island’s dormant volcanoes, or the odd, erosion caldera called La Cumbrecita, a UNESCO Biosphere Site. An excursion to the village of Mazo rewards with a fine island museum containing examples of local handicrafts and especially the fabulous indigenous embroidery. Just beyond the museum is a handicrafts school, an excellent place to acquire a handcrafted souvenir of your Canary Islands adventure.

Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain

The old town is a treasury of 16th and 17th century buildings, and not just churches. Do go inside the fortified-looking Iglesia del Salvador, however, to see its ornate, Islamic-style Mudejar ceiling, one of the best in the islands. A short way outside town is the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Snows, one of the most important sites on the island. The waterfront is a good place to find ancient houses with elaborate iron balconies, many now converted to restaurants and shops. Many visitors tour the island’s dormant volcanoes, or the odd, erosion caldera called La Cumbrecita, a UNESCO Biosphere Site. An excursion to the village of Mazo rewards with a fine island museum containing examples of local handicrafts and especially the fabulous indigenous embroidery. Just beyond the museum is a handicrafts school, an excellent place to acquire a handcrafted souvenir of your Canary Islands adventure.

Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

Funchal ligger på Madeira, en ø langt ude i Atlanten, som tilhører Portugal. Her er klimaet mildt hele året. Funchal har mange smukke, blomstrende parker. Bjergene rejser sig i udkanten af byen og der findes anlagte stier på lange strækninger. Man kan foretage herlige vandreture på alle tider af året.

Til havs
Lissabon, Portugal

Lissabon er Portugals hovedstad og den by i Europa, der ligger længst mod vest. Med det storladne udsyn over Atlanterhavet og en historie, der er mere end 2.000 år gammel, er der ingen mangel på turistmål. Besøg fx den gigantiske statue Cristo Rei (Jesus Kristus), hvorfra man kan se hele Lissabon med floden Tagus og Vasco da Gama broen, en af de længste broer i Europa. Besøg også den indre bymidte som byder på historiske monumenter, hyggelige cafeér, masser af shoppingmuligheder og meget mere. Snyd heller ikke dig selv for at smage det de er mest kendt for i Portugal, nemlig portvinen. Der findes utallige butikker som sælger portvin fra alle årgange.

Træd ombord på Seabourn Sojourn, et skib fra Seabourn Cruise Line, der repræsenterer udsøgt luksus og eventyr til søs. Søsat i 2010, er dette krydstogtskib synonymt med førsteklasses krydstogter og rejser til de mest fortryllende destinationer verden over. Med en stolt historie inden for luksuskrydstogter er Seabourn Sojourn det perfekte valg for rejsende, der søger enestående oplevelser og uovertruffen komfort.

Størrelse og Kapacitet:
Med sin imponerende bruttotonnage og kapacitet til at imødekomme kræsne rejsende er Seabourn Sojourn et af de mest rummelige og komfortable skibe til søs. Dets omfattende dæk og elegante interiør giver masser af plads til at udforske verden med stil og elegance.

Faciliteter og Aktiviteter:
Seabourn Sojourn er fyldt med faciliteter og aktiviteter, der appellerer til rejsende i alle aldre. Slap af ved poolen, deltag i spændende udflugter, eller nyd foredrag og workshops om spændende emner. Det moderne spa- og fitnesscenter giver mulighed for velvære og træning, mens shoppingmuligheder og hyggelige biblioteker er perfekte til afslapning.

Krydstoget ombord på Seabourn Sojourn byder på enestående kulinariske oplevelser. Fra fine spisesteder med gourmetretter til mere afslappede caféer, serveres lækre retter med udsigt over det endeløse hav og de smukke destinationer, du besøger. Uanset din smag, vil du blive forkælet kulinarisk.

Kahytter og Indkvartering:
Seabourn Sojourn tilbyder en bred vifte af luksuriøse kahytter og suiter, hver med moderne bekvemmeligheder og stilfuld indretning. Vælg mellem kahytter med panoramaudsigt eller suiter med private balkoner for at nyde den storslåede natur og havudsigten.

Underholdning og Shows:
Aftener ombord på Seabourn Sojourn er fyldt med underholdning og shows, herunder teaterforestillinger, musikoptrædener og elegante loungeområder. Du kan også besøge kasinoet eller deltage i sociale begivenheder for uforglemmelige aftener på havet.

Seabourn Sojourn er mere end et krydstogtskib; det er en portal til luksus, eventyr og uforglemmelige øjeblikke til søs. Uanset om du er en erfaren krydstogtrejsende eller ny i krydstogtverdenen, vil Seabourn Sojourn give dig en rejse, du vil værdsætte for livet.

In-Suite Service
Patio Grill
Sky Bar
The Colonnade
The Restaurant
The Restaurant 2

Beauty Salon
Facial Treatments
Swimming Pool
Thalassotherapy Pool

Sports Deck


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